Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Vesuvio Cafe, San Francisco

On another recommendation by my friend, Clark, I found the Vesuvio Cafe to be a great place to commence the days business. It is a wonderful corner bar that serves no food but will get you going with a great Bloody Mary. The bartenders are very nice and very fun (except Mike... a manager that thinks its important you know he runs the place... much attitude) and the mix of people is a lovely blend of locals and tourists. There are small tables on the second floor that offer fine "people watching" going by on Columbus and Jack Kerouac Alley. The atmosphere is buzzing at night, yet it is a relaxed, quiet place to chat or read in the afternoon. Lots of kitchy art on the walls and stained glass lighting above. Very much a '50's beatnik hangout... lots of flavor.

Vesuvio Cafe
255 Columbus Ave
San Francisco, CA 94133
(415) 362-3370

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